- Bottle of 500 bugs (nymphs and/or adults)
Macrolophus pygmaeus (formerly known as Macrolophus caliginosus) is a polyphagous bug from family Miridae. It prefers eating white fly, although it can help to control other pests like aphids, Lepidoptera eggs, red spider mite and thrips. An adult can eat more than 30 eggs per day depending on the amount of preys.
Release 0.5-1 ind/m2 together with ENCARcontrol and/or EREMIcontrol.
It is used in all protected horticultural crops, although this species can damage the fruit in crops like cucumber, courgette and cherry tomato.
Before opening the bottle, set it horizontally and rotate to mix the content. Release the Macrolophus caliginosus in small boxes over the crop, early in the morning or at sunset. To develop the population of this species will take from one to two months (depending on the temperature). In the meantime other predators and/or parasitoids of the white fly will be needed.
Keep the bottle horizontally and at a temperature of 8-10ºC. Do not break the cold chain in all the transport and storage process. Do not store the product after 48 hours of receipt, and never expose it to sunlight or pesticides.